Here are the most commonly asked questions about PHcreditcheck and the corresponding answers. If the question you wish to ask is not included in the list, send us a message using the form below. We will answer your question as soon as possible.
A: Those who register to the website need to submit the business permit of the credit, lending or financing company they work for. The permit will serve as proof of legitimate business.
We also provide an authorization letter that needs to be filled out and returned to us by the registrant. The letter states that the individual who registered has the authority to represent the credit, lending or financing company and upload profiles on its behalf. It has to be printed and signed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or owner of the company, and scanned before it is sent to us. It can be submitted either through fax at (02) 534-5482 or email (support@phcreditcheck.com).
A: We verify the account based on the documents given to us. After we receive the requirements, we will contact the individual for a short interview. If we find him or her qualified to become a member, we will send a notification through email. The sooner we receive the documents, the quicker the process will be.
A: You can only be a member of PHcreditcheck if you work for or are a part of a credit, lending or financing company based in the Philippines. After you register and submit the requirements, we will verify the legitimacy of your account. If it is found to be legitimate, you become a member of the PHcreditcheck community.
A: Membership with PHcreditcheck is free for all Philippine-based credit, lending and financing companies.
A: As long as you are affiliated with a financial organization, may it be a credit or lending firm, financing institution or bank, you can become a member and make use of our centralized database of profiles. Access to profiles will soon be given to other companies. Eventually, we will allow membership to companies with clients who have unpaid utilities and mortgages, among others.
A: We regularly contact our member companies to make sure that the information in our database is updated and accurate. Our members know the importance of having an updated database so they comply with our rules regarding this.
A: We do not verify the data supplied by our members. We rely on them to provide accurate information about the borrowers and loan applicants they have encountered. The only way we can guarantee that our website gets accurate data is by making sure all member accounts are legitimate. By ensuring that we only have legitimate accounts, we can ensure that a reliable source is contributing to our database and all credit information shared is true and correct.
We verify the legitimacy of our members' accounts by asking the registrants to submit requirements. These requirements will prove that the individual who registered is affiliated with a credit, lending or financing institution and that he or she is authorized to represent the said institution in the website.
A: Every borrower profile contains the following details: name of borrower, name of co-borrower/s, amount of loan, age of loan, outstanding balance, total amount of penalties, the date when the profile was added to the website, the name of the credit/lending/financing company as well as the company's remarks.
A: Complete access to individual profiles found in the PHcreditcheck database is exclusive only to member companies. Non-members can only access basic information of some random profiles.
A: Our server uses enterprise grade SSL to safeguard web access to the PHcreditcheck website. We also do regular security audit checks to protect the website from vulnerabilities.
A: Please go to our Contact Page and send us a message. We will address your inquiries and concerns as soon as possible.
A: If you wish to report a delinquent borrower, you have two options: you can either use the report button found on the Borrower Profile Page or report the person as a member of the PHcreditcheck community.
If you decide to choose the latter option, you have to register to the website and submit the requirements for verification. Once we have verified your account as legitimate and you have become a member, you can upload the delinquent borrower's profile on the database of PHcreditcheck.
A: Only the company that uploaded your profile in the Phcreditcheck website can remove your name. You can fill out the form found in our website and we will forward your message to the involved company.